5 Important Pieces of Equipment for Boat Safety
Whether you're participating in water-sports, heading towards a pleasant camping spot, or just taking a pleasure cruise around the water, being out on a boat is a lot of fun and an excellent way to relax. To make sure your boating trips always go smoothly, though, you need to make sure that you're staying safe out on the water, and there are a handful of specific items that are always important to have on board. For more information, stop by our location in Norwich, Connecticut, also serving Springfield, Massachusetts.
1. Lifejackets or Flotation Devices
Lifejackets and other wearable flotation devices are one of those things that you always hope you won't need, but if things go wrong, you're going to be really glad you have one. When boating, there must be one of these devices available for each person on board, and any children under 12 must wear one at all times aboard a moving vessel.
2. Fire Extinguishers
Every boat should have a fire extinguisher on board at all times. To keep it simple and easy to remember, any boat that's under 26 feet must have at least one B-1 type fire extinguisher, while any boat that's between 26 and 40 feet must have at least two B-1's, or at least one B-2 type extinguisher. Make sure that everyone aboard the boat knows how to properly use one, as well.
3. Visual Signaling Devices
In the unfortunate event that you find yourself in a situation of distress out on the water, you're going to need to have proper signaling devices to get the attention of other ships. Boats under 16 feet must carry either flares or nighttime signals, while boats over 16 feet must carry signals for both day and nighttime.
4. Sound Signaling Devices
Sound signals can also be effective for finding help in times of distress, particularly when it's dark out, foggy, or something else is making it difficult for other boats to see you. Portable or fixed horns and whistles tend to work well, and should be kept onboard the boat at all times.
5. Throwable Flotation Devices
In addition to lifejackets, you'll also want to always have throwable flotation devices handy just in case someone falls into the water and needs help. Hopefully, you'll never end up needing these, but you certainly want to have them just in case.
If you always take the time to ensure that your boat contains all of the necessary safety equipment, you'll never need to worry about being unprepared if a problem should occur. For more information, come see us at Thayer's Marine. We're located in Norwich, Connecticut, and also serve Springfield, Massachusetts.