A Beginner's Guide To Boat Safety
Safety is the most important part of any boat trip. But knowing safety is crucial and knowing how to maximize the voyage's safety are two separate things.
Here at Thayer's Marine, we strive to make your life easier. We gathered up the essential boat safety strategies below. If you want more tips or want to shop boats for sale in Norwich, Connecticut, visit our dealership. We also proudly serve those in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Check The Weather
Always look up the weather forecast before heading out on the water. The skies may be clear now, but a storm could be coming soon. Avoid thunderstorms, heavy surf, high wind conditions, and other such poor weather situations. They pose a safety threat - and wouldn't make for a fun trip anyways.
Pack Safety Equipment
The boat should have key safety items at all times:
- A fire extinguisher.
- An emergency radio.
- Flares.
- A GPS.
- A first aid kit.
It's also important that every passenger wears a life jacket. It is possible to become injured when falling overboard and be unable to keep yourself afloat, which is why even strong swimmers need to be wearing this crucial piece of safety gear.
Appoint An Assistant Captain
Make sure at least one other person knows how to safely steer the boat. If you should suddenly become unable to operate the boat, they will be able to get everyone back to safety.
Give the assistant captain plenty of opportunity to practice accelerating, steering, and stopping the boat. This experience will help them more confidently steer the boat in an emergency situation when tensions are high.
Prepare The Passengers
First, make sure everyone knows how to swim. They don't need to be the world's best swimmers, but they do need to be able to keep themselves afloat until you can pull them in or help arrives.
Second, review the safety rules, such as:
- Passengers should stay seated with limbs inside the boat when it is moving.
- There should be no running on board (this one can be hard for younger kids to remember, so be sure to review often).
- Don't distract the captain or otherwise interfere with their ability to stay focused.
Have A Contact On Land
Finally, chat with someone who is staying on shore. They should know your route and your expected return time. If you end up stranded and unable to call for help, this individual will realize something is wrong when you don't return on time. They will then be able to direct help to your likely location.
Want more boat safety tips? Looking to shop boats for sale in Norwich, Connecticut? Whatever you need, find it at Thayer's Marine. Contact us or stop by our dealership in Norwich, Connecticut. We also serve those in Springfield, Massachusetts.